Hello! How have you been? I know that you all have been well. I trust God like that.
Well, as is the practice in Family Worship Center and other churches in Nigeria, I have started a 21-day fast. Other churches may do more or less than 21 days but the fast is held in January. Any way, point is, I've been busy seeking God's face for His will and purpose to bear heavily on my plans and goals. I sound overly holy right? Well, I hope I am! In the past 9days, 2 things have stood out to me, and I'd like to share them with you before I return to this hibernation.
The first is that for the past week, I have had the most amazing experiences ever! At the cross-over service, I wrote a few things I wanted God to do for me this year and it got burned in the fire (it's symbolic, the burning...). The first thing I wrote was for my mum, Avi's Nanna, to be able to join her husband in the UK. Remember that she got married in 2012? Well, it's been that long since they saw each other, mom and her husband. And on the 5th day of the fast, that prayer got answered! I was still trying to get my mind wrapped around this and WHAM!!! He has loaded me daily with great benefits - even today! Everyday, an un-uttered (did I spell that right?) prayer got answered!What I want you to get from this is that you should not be afraid to ask God
for anything. He is willing, ready and eager to do for you more than you can think, ask or even imagine!! Who knows, you may meet Ron I did tonight!!!!
That brings me to the second thing I want to share with you. Ron Kenoly came to my church for an evening of praise and worship and it was an amazing time in the presence of God. He
gave us his version of Matthew 14:1 - 3 and it opened my heart to another level of God's love for me. Imagine that! You have the best lover in the whole world and beyond! I can't repeat it but it was in a deep baritone voice and truly, I felt love for Christ all over again. The song "You are the love of my life" had a deeper meaning.
Beloved, Abba loves you more than you can ever fathom. He wants to give you the world. He wants to give you little surprises everyday just so He can see you smile. He wants to see you at peace, not worrying about your future knowing, things will be beautiful when they are meant to be beautiful. I struggled with Nanna being here for almost 3 years (April 2012), I prayed so much about
it and when it happened, it was so so beautiful. Abba wants to walk with you daily, whispering love notes into your ears, even while you sleep. Check His Word out. He said "I will never leave you or forsake you" and "I have loved you with an everlasting love".
Won't you let Him love you?
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