Happy New Year! I am so excited that we were able to make it over to 2015 without hitches (and I say this by faith y'all)! Abba has been faithful and has kept His promise and here we are again, at the start of a blank canvas, ready to make the most of this new year.

So, this year, we are going to plan for a better year. Genesis 1.1 (AMP) says that God "prepared" the heavens and the earth in the beginning. We are our Father's children and have the same creative ability in us to "prepare" for our 2015 from this beginning. I looked up prepared in that sense and I got amazing synonyms (synonyms - been a while since I did grammar at school...) that clarified this passage for me. He created in advance, He made ready for our use and my favorite, He pre-planned this earth for me.
We ought to "pre-plan" 2015. It's not a case of each day as it comes or let's take it one day at a time. We were encouraged, nay, instructed to plan for the next 20 years of our life and give it a date (remember the T in SMART) by which time we have executed that plan. I know it seems nearly impossible, especially when we consider the lives we are responsible for. I am still trying to iron that issue out with Nana - she says I'm to scared to take a risk. But maybe risk should be a part of my plan! I intend to be fully self employed, employing others in 4 to 5 years.

It was when Moses stretched out his hand and rod, that God performed the miracle of parted seas. It was when the priests stepped into the Jordan that God stopped its flow. It is when you plan for success, that God will make it happen. Let's be deliberate this year, for ourselves and our children. Remember, you never reach the destination you don't plan for...
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