Wednesday, 31 December 2014


This is not me...just a picture of how I look when I think...
I have been doing a lot of thinking as 2014 sees its last hours. Please indicate by raising your hands if the following applies to you - note that all applies to me...

Have you cried in secret so no one can tell you cliche answers? Has there been any point this year you blamed your ex-husband, ex-boyfriend or deceased husband for where you are now? Have you even for a nano second been envious of your friends or their friends or even that pesky neighbor, especially when their daughters run to their daddy's arms with a joyful shriek of "daddy!" Have you been struck dumb because your daughter (that would be my daughter) asks you "why is my daddy not coming to see me?" Have you literally stopped yourself from banging your head on the wall because your hormones have a mind of their own? I think I'll stop here for now, I still have a lot of "have you" questions though...

I haven't got any messages for you today, just what my friend Abigail Polit said to me as I turned on the think tanks...and I'm quoting her word for word...

It's good you know you are lost, you will retrace your steps. Babe, don't ever get overwhelmed, TAKE CHARGE! Cry...yes! But rise up and move on! Don't ever stay down for a long time. You can never regain time lost moping and regretting...GET OVER IT! (You should cower when Abby yells...) I know it's harsh but it's the truth! Position yourself...meanwhile, keep doing what you love and improving yourself.

End of quote. You know, it's hard giving advice and following it. I say a lot of things and after a few hours I am amazed that that came out of my lips. I think that's how come the phrase "practice what you preach" came about. I know Abba trusts me to be able to handle the situations as they come, I just wish that He didn't trust me so much to actually be able to. The cross we bear is heavy but He said He would never give us more than we can bear. So as much as I really don't like the way things are right now, I know that Abba has me in His hands and I cannot fail. I may fall, but He will catch me and set me back on track.

SO! Let us review what has happened in 2014, correct the mistakes we made, improve on the brilliant ideas we had and make new plans for 2015. Notice I said plan...not just goals, but plans which must be SMART (that means your goals and plans must be Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely. We can tackle those next year...). Laugh more, live more and definitely, love more. Hopefully, for some of us, that would translate to wedding bells...see you on the other side.

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