After a full day of carols, visiting, food and cake, I remembered I have not wished you all a Merry Christmas...
...This is hoping that today has been a great day for you. I hope your day was as full as mine. At the very least, you had a quiet time with your blessings - your child/children.
I got a surprise on Christmas eve, my sister, the photographer, bought gifts for everyone at home and I got a camera for my cakes...did you get and give gifts? If you didn't, know that the greatest and most important gift was Jesus coming to earth through a virgin birth. Because He came, there is hope for a better Christmas next year. I promise you! There is hope for a better life than now. Believe me, I have been through (still going through) a lot and I am better for it today. My first Christmas as a single mom
was hellish. It felt like I would die and the first year was like walking through a quagmire. But because of my tight hold on the hope Christ came to give me, I am who I am today. Tomorrow will be better, I promise - Jesus promised.
I pray that the reason for the season be embedded in your hearts and that this season leaves a mark in your history, as one that was better than the rest.

Merry Christmas...
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