This week is Thanksgiving week in my church. Other parts of
the world too I’m sure. Definately in America. But as a single mom, I guess it’s easy to say I have
nothing to be thankful about. I can just about hear the questions;
“I mean, how should I
be thankful for what I didn’t plan for?”
“I just lost my husband
– should I be thankful?”

“My husband is being
unreasonable and I’m going through a messy divorce. I have no reason to be thankful;”
“I can barely feed my
kids, not to talk of clothing them or paying their fees. I still owe last year’s
rent – thankful my foot!”
Granted. All of these are real problems and don’t leave room
(physically) for a grateful attitude. But look t it from my perspective and
maybe you will see a number of things you can be thankful for.
I got married in 2005, waited before I had Aviela in 2009
when her father left. Avi was less than 9 weeks old. In the time that he’s been
out of our lives, I have been miserable, owed a lot, I have been embarrassed,
brought to my lowest low and the rent situation, that’s my story every year.
BUT. Where there are negatives, there are also positives...
I learnt to become a truly independent woman. I
bought my first car, learned how t maintain it – in fact! I can tell what
certain noises are before I go to the mechanic, change tyres, fix the “slow”,
where to touch if my car doesn’t do the vroom sound...basically, I am a
bit of a fix-it with my beautiful jalopy! I was given the “golden opportunity”
to be the kept woman of a wealthy man – complete with an expensive car, personal
house, fat bank account and denied a social life. Tarnished gold...

In the time that he was away, I honed my skill
in cooking and baking, and made it my business. And I keep getting better. I am
able to support my household on my business alone, and did for an entire year. Yep,
eating is good business!
I have not lost my mind. I am not a statistical
divorcee - I cannot be lumped alongside some others with the comment “ehn, how
sure are we that it’s not her behaviour that caused her husband to leave in the
first place?” I could have been rolling with the crowd that sees nothing wrong
in dating (by dating I mean sleeping with) married and influential men. I got
the invitation to that gig.

Basically, if all you look at is the drudgery that can be
this life, you won’t be able to appreciate the blessings. I mean, you’re alive –
millions dies today alone. You have a child/children – there are plenty married
and have given up hope after 45 years of ever carrying a child in their womb.
You ate before going to bed last night – I bet some of you
are snacking as you read this...there’s a single mom somewhere shoplifting to
feed her children. The hospital is full of people with cancer, dying of aids,
living on the streets, limbless etc and there you are, saying that you got
nothing to be thankful for?
Look into the eyes of your baby/babies – as a widow, you
have a piece of your husband with you. I know of a widow who lost her husband,
then her 6 month old baby and another woman who lost all her grown children in
one day. The fact that you can read this shows you’re privileged. Some cannot
use the computer, much less have internet access. Be thankful for what you
have, especially for what you don’t have. Happy Thanksgiving...

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