On Sunday morning, as I was getting ready for church, the TV was tuned to TBN and Hour of Power was on. There was a couple being interviewed and all they said was a blur until the lady mentioned this phrase "...turn your misery to message..." I wasn't really listening but I caught that and it stayed with me all day, till today. It's been well chewed and digested.
Let me tell you what happened to me on Saturday/Sunday. I have had major challenges with my car for the past 3 weeks and as I type, there are still major repairs to be made on it and I have spent all the money I have saved up on it - including what isn't mine. I had (still have) a wedding cake to make and deliver on the 18th (yep! I ought to be baking not blogging). The giant mixer I arranged to use from a friend to use since early June was not forthcoming and I had not done anything for the wedding cake except buy all that is needed for it. I was panicked and stressed and worried and scared and tense. When I heard that phrase, I felt everything pause around me. I wanted things to go a certain way - my way, and I forgot that there was a higher power to my existence and it was Sunday!! I should be praising not perishing!! I finished off my make up, got dressed and went to church.

We can choose how our "misery" pans out; whether we leave it all in God's capabale hands, trust that He has a better plan, and rely on Him to be the ONLY source of everything you need or to carry on worrying about what we have no solution to. Being miserable is...well, miserable. Choose to see each circumstance as an opportunity to talk to another about how yo overcame.
Mwah to you all, and know that Abba has got you!
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