DISCLAIMER: This is a "parable" post. Any attempt to decipher this post will only leave stars dancing around your head, in your head. As you read, ask the Holy Spirit to guide you into the truth that applies to you.
So! We all have been told that birds of a feather flock together. Well, sometimes birds veer of course and find themselves alone or with birds of a different feather. In such moments, the feathers become a hindrance to the obvious fact that they are birds.
This particular bird (me), found herself in a flock-less situation today. And then another bird, of another feather, came. We started talking and realized that our feathers once crossed paths in the past, and that our nests are in the same tree. (Remember, DO NOT TRY TO DECIPHER POST, JUST APPLY). Us birds had the same need and this here bird (me) has been well taught by her flock that all feathers have a common origin - we are birds! I was ready to help the other bird of a different feather to her nest, our tree. There was no way I was going to allow her stay outside her own flock. I actually started cracking my bird-brain for the solution.
All of a suddenly (don't you just love English!), her flock found her! They were all happy and twittering and this bird of a different feather flew away to her nest, our tree and didn't give a thought to helping me to my nest, our tree.
If you got all that and understood what I meant, then you're a genius 'cos I couldn't think straighter than a bird flies. But the main gist is, we can't afford to be blind to what other people are going through simply because we want to look out for our own or ourselves. The church I attend teaches us - and by us I mean me, because we all hear the same thing but I can only vouch for myself - to be our brother's keeper, not just of the faith, but because they are humans. Only love can make any change. The next time you see a bird without feathers, give her some of yours. You never know when you will need that exact feather again.
Oh, and if I ever see that bird in need again, I definitely am going to lend her some of mine.
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