Friday, 15 August 2014

Half a Decade No Be Beans!!

Here in the city of Abuja, it's five minutes to midnight. And as usual, on this particular night every year, I sit and remember the person who came to change my name forever. I remember, again that I spent 14hrs in labour before I finally was cut open with the surgeon's knife and my precious treasure of inestimable value came forth. At exactly 7:16pm on Saturday, the 15th day of August 2014 her wails announced her arrival. 

BBB, I'm so proud to be your momma! Happy 5th birthday my love! Thank you for 5 years of your amazing smile. Thank you for 5 years of your sweet hugs. Thank you for 5 years of beautiful love and thank you, for choosing to be my Beautiful, Beautiful Baby!!!

Family Mascot



  1. Happy birthday dear Avi. You have brought so much joy to your mom, so joy will never depart from you. This sweet words will be the least your mom will have ever written in time to come. You are permanently blessed. Have a funfilled, Blissful and blessed Avi birthday. I

    1. Thank you so much priddydiva! God bless you.
