Let me re-introduce myself to you again. As of Wednesday, 11th February 2015, I became (unofficially) Ms Yvonne Onome Reda KESENA!
Yes!!!! I am finally free of the dark cloud hanging over my head! I'm not going through a divorce, I am Happily Divorced (gotta watch that sitcom!) and to borrow the the words of Martin Luther King Jr, "Free at last, free at last! Thank God Almighty, I am free at last!"
Maybe you think I shouldn't be celebrating the "final death" of my marriage. But I have good reasons to do so AND I have the backing of my Abba so there! I mean, do you realise that I couldn't claim to be married or single! I was on a fence and stuck in a rut. Now I am a bonafide SINGLE mother! I am so dancing this eh! AND it came in time for valentine! (I need to rock it before INEC changes their mind...)
Seriously though, according to the judge's long thing she was reading, Aviela's dad filed for divorce on the 11th day of February 2010. That's 5yrs on paper to the date yesterday. In actual sense, it started barely 8 weeks after Aviela was born so, it's safe to say that for nearly 6yrs, I have been in limbo. While I look young, happy and fresh, inside, I felt like I was really 100yrs old!
So! I will sing, I will shout! And glorify God's Name! I am free to breathe and in 3 months when it's legal, My name becomes Onome Reda Kesena everywhere. This is a new journey for me, and as Abba has made it clear to me, ...He knows us far better than we know ourselves, knows our pregnant condition, and keeps us present before God. That’s why we can be so sure that every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good.Romans 8:28b MSG. So I am assured in this path that He will never leave me or forsake me - NEVER! Hebrews 13:6. Rejoice, every dark cloud will eventualy clear and to the glory of God, we will rejoice with you!
New, really! |
#singing I'm walking in power! I'm working miracles! I live a life of favour...I KNOW WHO I AM. I am ONOME!
Stumbled on your blog. Love it! This aim of creating this blog takes guts. I'm glad you're celebrating your new lease on life. And God will perfect all that concerns you in Jesus' name, Amen!
ReplyDeleteAmen! Thank you!!